Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"To break or not to break ... that is the question!"

Ok, so recently me and my bf of 8 months decided that we need time apart. He needs time to himself, but he says he still loves me and cares about me, and wants things to eventually work out between us. Because I love him, I have chosen to respect his feelings, but its hard, very hard! I read, that the best thing for me to do at this time is to give him the break, with no communication..AT ALL! Since I am used to being with him nights on end, I have figured out ways to keep myself occupied. For one, my relationship with my best friend Bren, has strengthened, which is a blessing! We both have young sons, and relate to each other on so many levels. But, that is another blog..another day!(smile) Some might say I have more time with my 5 year old son Jonah now, but my relationship with my son Jonah, was never strained due to my relationship with my man. The love I have for my son could never be compromised or even compared! He gets all of me ALL the time!! I have ALSO discovered that On Demand has Sex and the City on it, so Ive been indulging in re-runs. A DEFINITE BONUS!!! (double SMILE :)).
I have always been a positive person, and I think that this time apart will be for the best, and when we get back together that we will both be better individuals for each other. At times when it gets extremely hard,(just about everyday..LOL) I just think about the fun times we shared in the past, and that lets me look forward to the future...

Our song...

<33 Ty

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