I think I have THEE best Dad in the world. I am SO lucky!! This past weekend he was acknowledged for his MANY, MANY achievements in life. He's the most successful man I know..& Im glad someone else recognized that! He received the Alumni Achievement Award at the University of Rolla Miner Alumni Association!! (the college he attended) Not only was my Dad the Sr. Human Resource Professional of 2006 but my Dad is also involved in a number of different organizations.. He is a member of the National Black MBA Association, the chair of the Missouri Buisness Leadership Network, he is an advocate for people with disabilities, Vice Chairman on the board of STL's Diversity Awareness Partnership, he is an active member on the Chamber of Commerce Hispanic Leadership Group, apart of the Diversity Officers Network, & a mentor and on the advisory council for Urban Future...(whew..that was a mouthful, did I get everything Aunt Cheryl?!)..AND he is an AWESOME husband and father..
Im so proud of my pops :)
My Dad is the one on the left..standing here with two of his frat brothers.. :))
<33 Ty
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